Thursday, February 21, 2008

Some things just bring you back...

There are some things that just bring me out of silence. The possibility of a black president? Oh, hell yeah.

I find Barack Obama a wonderful orator. His bid for the presidency admirable and, surprisingly, possible. I am most impressed with Michelle Obama. She receives my vote. The way he looks at her, I get impression that they are more than a power couple. I think Barack loves her dirty drawers. A black man that loves the hell out of a black woman? He should be awarded the presidential medal...which he can award himself come January.

I want them to flip this shit on America like the Clintons. Michelle as president is a worthy cause and mission. She gives me hope for America even if she has Condaleeza hair. Hopefully, some stylist on U Street will hook a sista's hair up. However, if Barack likes it, I love it. This couple puts Bill and Claire to shame. This is the new defintion of a black power couple. I, for one, believe in black love once again.

I look forward to November.