Thursday, February 21, 2008

Some things just bring you back...

There are some things that just bring me out of silence. The possibility of a black president? Oh, hell yeah.

I find Barack Obama a wonderful orator. His bid for the presidency admirable and, surprisingly, possible. I am most impressed with Michelle Obama. She receives my vote. The way he looks at her, I get impression that they are more than a power couple. I think Barack loves her dirty drawers. A black man that loves the hell out of a black woman? He should be awarded the presidential medal...which he can award himself come January.

I want them to flip this shit on America like the Clintons. Michelle as president is a worthy cause and mission. She gives me hope for America even if she has Condaleeza hair. Hopefully, some stylist on U Street will hook a sista's hair up. However, if Barack likes it, I love it. This couple puts Bill and Claire to shame. This is the new defintion of a black power couple. I, for one, believe in black love once again.

I look forward to November.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

. . . i feel the same way . . . a lot of people do . . . he stands for hope on so many levels . . . and it brought you out of blog hiding! :)

February 22, 2008 12:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't especially agree (or not agree) with your point of view. It's just that I really don't see the difference one way or the other for Obama being in place or not. It seems your focus is all on extraneous things anyway, as if he was representing you so as to get some varied grudge(s) across. For whatever reason. He's locked in on the same miserable material as all the rest of them - sameness amongst interchangeable monads really. Until there arises a point from which I see true, real, definitional change about America's stances and policies, no one's got my vote. Which, believe me, they wouldn't want anyway. I think you're only deluding yourself.
Gary Introne

August 02, 2008 2:31 PM  

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