the more things change...So this has been the exchange on Mr. Terraza's blog since my last post. I think that it is very illuminating. It shows us how other people (I'll reserve my judgments) see the world. c-note has a number of anecdotes that prove that
1. blacks don't tip well
2. Southeast Asian Indians are "penny pinchers,"
3. students of color benefit from race-based scholarships at the expense of whites
(although medical schools, law schools, and graduate schools are teeming with white students and students of color are still underrepresented and, in light of the current political climate, soon the numbers of people of color pursuing advanced degrees will dwindle down to nearly nothing. besides, when will many white folks learn that just because you want something doesn't mean that you'll get it or deserve it. black folks learned that lesson long ago, back when we wanted our enslavers to "give us free." and, because i've done the research, gpa and test scores do not indicate the quality of a doctor, attorney, or phd--commitment does. lastly, don't act like we live in a fucking meritocracy. get pissed at the number of legacy admitants or those admitted on sports scholarships--including baseball, soccer, lacrosse, hockey, swimming, gymnastics, and tennis, not just basketball and football.)
4. Mexicans will be white men's slaves forever
5. If you have a good gpa, good test scores, and are aritculate, white people won't be able to see your color.
and Ginny informs us that
the more they stay the same...could you imagine how this lady would look if she wasn't getting paid?1. her black nanny took better care of her than did her mother. (interesting.)
2. racism only exists if you believe that it does
3. that black people can be racist (despite being marginalized. last time i checked, the only white men that dangled from trees were Civil Rights protestors, the rest of the folks were just black. and the last man to be lynched [that was actually reported] and drug to his was James Byrd, a black man, in 1999). black folks, for the most part, can only discriminate; white folks oppress.)
4. in addition to #3, the black people she knows are far more "racist" than any white person she knows. (i wonder how long she's been looking for a job, how many people have called her a nigger in the last 22 years, how many times a white person has clutched their belongings when she walked by, how many times has a saleperson followed her around a store "folding" clothes, how many times she actually had to take notice of these things? i should recommend that she read peggy macintosh's piece "the invisible knapsack," but, alas, Ginny doesn't read--she uses ADD as a cop-out. Similar, i'm sure to the ways in which people of color use race to explain why most are impoverished, why young black males living in the riches country in the world die at the same rate as males in developing nations (see Noam Chomsky). i guess those young malnourished babies and toddlers are relying on their race privilege to feed them and not getting off their asses to get some food.)
if you don't believe what i've outlined above,
read the comments below! i simply don't have the energy to go on. the more people say things change, the more i
observe, first-hand, how they have remained the same. God bless us all, no exceptions (even the delusional folks).
I ended my earlier comments to Mr. Terraza with this:
I have just one more question:
How do you look?3:29 PM
here's the exchange between c-note and ginny:C-Note said...
Im brown...hafl flip, half white. But I look more mexie then anything else
3:58 PM
Ginny said...
4:07 PM
C-Note said...
Have you seen crash? Great movie, I think you all should check it out. Illustrates the point that we are all biased in someone against each other. WE are all racist in our own little ways. As a society we have made some huge strides towards being more tolerant of each other, and eliminating racism. The sad thing is that we all too often live up to the stereotypes that narrow us into our little boxes.
As a Server: I have a friend who is a server. During training he was told black people don’t tip. So he ignored it, went about his business, only to be bossed around time and time again by a bitchy black lady only to receive a =) and a big fat 0 in the tip line. He makes $2.35, so he now says I will not bust my ass and be your slave, you will not tip…sad but has been proven too many times.
As a Loan processor I have watched time and time again as Indian people, yes from India, not native American clients penny pinch their way through a loan. They will be so cheap that they watch ever single detail and often times cancel their deal after we already have a title policy, and appraisal done. And no, they do not cut a check for our lost money…have a bunch of LO’s who make their prices way too high to serve Indian clients.
as a student I have sat back and watched undeserving minority friends get into great school simply because they filled out the optional questionnaire. They admit it themselves that they got in because they are a statistic. While I have much deserving friend (3.9 gpa and good MCAT scores) sit by and have to bust their ass for med school spots because they are white males, the only groups of individuals that can LEGALLY BE DESCIMNATED AGAINST. Or watched them play the race card to turn in an assignment or paper late, retake a test or whatever.
So yeah it goes on and on. White people are mean, black people are sensitive. Just think, the blacks were the whites slaves four hundreds of year, and now the Mexicans will be forever. Joking, but seriously there will always be someone or some group that has it better or worse then you do. Be a good person. Work hard so that when people meet you they have no reason to think about your race, and only about your character and credentials.
4:10 PM
C-Note said...
yeah but no one ever ask what race i am or makes a not of it becuase I have a great resume, and people skills.
Im applying for grad school, and I have a decent shot at it, not because i say im flip, but becuase I have a good undergrad GPA, and lot of exerpince in my feild (two internships, a reaserch project with a department head, and a full time job).
Never been an issue, and I dont look white. So whatever. I like looking brown. I happen to like brown skin.
4:12 PM
C-Note said...
ginny your funny
4:12 PM
Ginny said...
I do want to see that movie. And you are right, there will always be some degree of racism.
My point is times have changed, and you can't sterotype by race anymore. I am from southern arkansas, from a town that is over 50% black people. My nanny was black, she raised me better than my mother ever did. I am not a racist person, and never will be. I judge everyone according to how they react to the world, their views on life and people, how you treat me, and your level of intelligence.
I can tell you one thing, I've met more racist black people than I have white people.
I just think it's silly to think the world is out to get you. Make a difference and be yourself. Don't lean upon your color to excuse things in your life. Don't say, "oh well poor me, people are racist". It's only as true as you wish it to be.
You are an intelligent person, and that's all that matters. Like I said, we are all people of color.
Funny in a good way, or bad?
4:34 PM
C-Note said...
In a good way. I like your comments a lot, on all the posts.
4:44 PM
Ginny said...
thanks :)
4:51 PM